Puy-en-Velay and its region are full of specialties that will help you discover the Velay region. The chefs of our restaurants enhance local products to offer you a meal made in Velay, discovering the emblematic products of the region!
with the right Velay products
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- Wheelchair accessible with assistance 14
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs 8
- Reception staff made aware of the reception of people with disabilities 2
- Possibility to drop someone off in front of the site 2
- hard coating 2
- WC + grab bar + circulation space 2
- Elevator to standards 1
- Accessible entrance 1
- Tourism and Handicap brand - mental disability 1
- Tourism and Handicap brand - motor impairment 1
- Furniture/Reception counter suitable for people in wheelchairs 1
- Reserved place for people with reduced mobility 1
- Accessible table 1
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