at La Chaise-Dieu

"Resto Fougaou"

100 m from the Abbey Church, all year round Jean welcomes you by the fire and offers you his "homemade" specialties, favoring Auvergne products: sausages, cheeses, wines... Restaurant where everything is homemade.
At this address, you will find multiple choice menus, a dessert, wine, whiskey and coffee menu.
You can enjoy a piano, table football, games for young and old.
To guarantee these gourmet moments, Fougaou advises you to make a reservation at 04 71 00 09 39
Special menu for the holidays

New Year’s Eve evening 80€

Rankings and labels

  • Le Petit Futé


Opening hours from September 02 to December 31, 2024
Open Friday and Saturday evenings; Sunday lunchtime and evening. Public holidays opening: midday and evening. Reservation essential.
During the week: meals for groups by reservation.

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
A la carte
12 €22 €
Adult menu
25 €50 €
Group menu
25 €-
15 €80 €

Linked offers

On the spot…


7 rue Baniche
43160 La Chaise-Dieu
How do I get there?

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