Hotel restaurant
in Beauzac

L'Air du Temps

Gisèle and Christophe Grangeon are your hosts for a gourmet stopover.
The chef offers you imaginative and refined cuisine. A feast for the eyes and taste buds.
The menus change with the seasons, around a prestigious wine list. Gastronomic restaurant ideal for spending a moment in privacy or with family in a quiet corner of the Haute Loire in the middle of the mountains and forests and at the confluence of the Loire and the Lignon.
A picturesque, charming and charming setting where time has no hold.
You can appreciate the quality of the dishes in a bright room extended by a covered veranda.

Rankings and labels

  • Gault & Millau
  • 1 chef's hat 2024


43590 Beauzac
How do I get there?

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