Historic site and monument
in Le Puy-en-Velay

Chapelle des Pénitents du Puy-en-Velay

Close to the cathedral, don't miss this small baroque chapel with a porch with twisted columns. It houses beautiful remarkable paintings from the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries and a recumbent statue from the XNUMXth century.
In 1584, Madame Jacqueline d'Aumont, dowager, offered the brotherhood of white penitents a dwelling very close to the cathedral. The brotherhood was established in 1586 by Bishop Antoine de Sénecterre. During the revolution, the corporation of butchers moved into the chapel and used it as a depot and leather dryer to save it from destruction by the revolutionary committee. The brotherhood of white penitents of Puy is still active and strong of 45 men and women members in 2021.
For the record, every year, the corporation of butchers have a mass celebrated there.
Today, the premises house a series of large format paintings (2m x 1,35m) which tell episodes from Marie's life. You can also admire a ceiling made up of 75 coffers from the 17th century, the central motif of which is the Assumption of the Virgin.
Every year, the White Penitents participate in the procession on Good Friday. On this occasion, they carry the instruments and emblems of the Passion which can be seen in the chapel as well as the brotherhood sticks and procession lanterns...
We speak French


  • Religious Heritage
  • Chapel


Minimum group size: 99 people

Admission fees

with a trunk collecting financial participation for maintenance


Home animals



rue Saint Mayol
43000 Le Puy-en-Velay
How do I get there?

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