in Le Puy-en-Velay

PR695 Les Reliades

A great walk, in the immediate vicinity of Puy-en-Velay, which will surprise you with the magnitude of its views.

Route details

Le Puy-en-Velay


From the cross, go to the right of the assembly house, below the main street and continue to Impasse du Château. Go down the trail
in the undergrowth. Continue along the track on the left. Take the tunnel under the N 88 and go up the track on the right. After the power line, head left for 50 m.

Continue along the road on the right then, around the bend, along the path opposite. Stay on the main track going down. After the electric track,
take the track on the right.

At the entrance to the ZA, continue right. Turn left on rue Rebeyrotte, left on rue Jean-Brenas and go around the post office by the path on the left
turning right.

At the top of the cliff (> be careful!), take the path on the right. Stay left.

At the PR separation, go right. Just before the pylon, go down left and enter the housing estate via the pedestrian path. At the end, turn left, then chemin (rue) du Buisson on the right. Turn left onto Avenue Luis-Jonget. Cross Avenue du 8-Mai-1945 and take Chemin de Chouveyre. The street climbs in bends and becomes a track. At the top, take the road on the right. It goes down and passes under the N 88.

At the exit of the bend, go down the track on the left.

At the entrance to Taulhac, go down left then right, rue du Four-Vieux. She turns left. Go up the lane on the left, turn right and go down to the right. Follow the N 88 on the left and
go down the alley on the right. Take rue de Langlade on the right and, at the top, go left. Pass to the left of the roundabout and continue avenue Marcet for 50 m.

Turn right on chemin (rue) du Fieu. In the bend, continue on the path opposite, straight on, for 1 km. Go up to the right on avenue Henri-Dunant
for 100 m, then right, chemin (rue) de Bonnassieu. It climbs to the right of the Palais des Sports and becomes a path. Continue the ascent to the left. At the top, take the track on the left for 300 m and, at the bend, go down the path on the right for 200 m.

Go back up the path on the right and find the center of Ours.
Pedestrian sportsHiking route
Duration04h00Elevation370 D- ​​/ 370 D+Distance12,8 kmMax Altitude882 m
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