This mainly intra-muros circuit takes you through the alleys of Puy-en-Velay to discover the treasures of the historic town, the legendary start of the Chemin de Saint-Jacques of Compostela
Route details
At the end of your walk, don't miss the visit to the Croisée des Chemins 21 rue du Collége, to discover all the hikes in Haute-Loire.
Place du Clauzel, opposite the Tourist Office, turn right into rue Meymard. Go up then turn right onto rue du Bouillon. Place de la Plâtrière, pass to the left of the Visitation chapel and turn left onto rue Abbé de l'Epée.
Turn right to come out on rue Saint-Pierre de La Tour. Cross to continue on rue Boudon Lashermes opposite. Rue Cardinal de Polignac, go right a few meters and climb Montée du Cloître. Arrive at Place du For (panorama of the town of Puy-en-Velay) in front of one of the entrances to the cathedral. Go around the latter to the right, to arrive at the cloister and at the foot of the Statue of Notre Dame de France.
Follow rue Grasmanent on the left. Turn left and reach the corner of rue Becdelièvre and rue de la Visitation. Take this last 50 m then turn right. Continue straight until you discover, after the car park, a staircase on the left.
Take this staircase which provides access to the Farron Trail. At the war memorial, go left. After the Saint Clair chapel, turn right onto rue du Rocher and, at the foot of the Rocher, turn right onto rue Chosson. Go down left. Cross the Rocade d'Aiguilhe via the pedestrian crossing then go right for 100 m to reach the Tordu bridge.
At the entrance to the bridge, go down left and follow the Terminal for 700m. Pass under a road, follow the path on the right, and head opposite towards the tennis courts. Cross the park and reach the entrance to the Saint Laurent church. Cross the pedestrian crossings to go up Boulevard Carnot.
Turn left on avenue de la Cathédrale, go up it then rue des Tables to the stairs of the Cathedral. Turn right onto rue Séguret. After Place du Greffe, go down Rue Roche Taillade. At the bottom of the stairs, continue right on rue Saulnerie then turn into the second street on the right, rue Raphaël.
Go down left onto rue du Consulat. Exit rue Pannessac and follow it to the left. Place du Plot, turn right and take the street on the right Saint-Jacques. Turn left on rue Felix Boudignon for 50 m then notice on the left a passage under a building.
Take it to Place de l'Isle Chabran. Come out at the end of it via a narrow alley. Join rue Saint Gilles and follow it to the right. At the boulevard, cross at the pedestrian crossing to reach Place du Breuil. Cross it then enter the Henri Vinay garden. Go to the Crozatier Museum then turn left and come out at the end of the avenue du Général de Gaulle. Turn right (pedestrian crossing) to reach then cross Place Michelet. Continue straight on rue Burel.
Take on the left not rue des Tanneries but the second street on the left which leads to a passage under the road. Then go straight to the bridge above Dolaizon. Take it then turn left once in front of the Carmes church then again at the traffic lights.
Cross at the pedestrian crossings to reach Place Cadelade. Pass to the right of the fountain to take Rue Traversière Cadelade. Turn right and immediately left. Turn right onto rue Sous-Sainte-Claire. At the junction, first go down to the right then turn left onto Rue Droite. Reach the foot of a large fresco on Puy-en-Velay, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jean.
Go up left on rue Sainte-Claire to Place du Bac then rue Sous Sainte Marie and after the stairs, cross the pedestrian crossing and go up left. In front of the Youth Hostel, follow the stairs on the right.
Turn immediately right onto the street behind the old museum. Rue Anne-Marie Martel, go up left. Go down to the left on rue Général Mouton Duvernet and arrive after a few steps at Place Saint-Pierre de la Tour.
Go down the stairs. At the junction, go left to find stairs. At the foot of these continue on rue des sept then follow rue Saint François Régis on the right. Continue along rue du Collège and arrive at place du Clauzel.
Turn right to come out on rue Saint-Pierre de La Tour. Cross to continue on rue Boudon Lashermes opposite. Rue Cardinal de Polignac, go right a few meters and climb Montée du Cloître. Arrive at Place du For (panorama of the town of Puy-en-Velay) in front of one of the entrances to the cathedral. Go around the latter to the right, to arrive at the cloister and at the foot of the Statue of Notre Dame de France.
Follow rue Grasmanent on the left. Turn left and reach the corner of rue Becdelièvre and rue de la Visitation. Take this last 50 m then turn right. Continue straight until you discover, after the car park, a staircase on the left.
Take this staircase which provides access to the Farron Trail. At the war memorial, go left. After the Saint Clair chapel, turn right onto rue du Rocher and, at the foot of the Rocher, turn right onto rue Chosson. Go down left. Cross the Rocade d'Aiguilhe via the pedestrian crossing then go right for 100 m to reach the Tordu bridge.
At the entrance to the bridge, go down left and follow the Terminal for 700m. Pass under a road, follow the path on the right, and head opposite towards the tennis courts. Cross the park and reach the entrance to the Saint Laurent church. Cross the pedestrian crossings to go up Boulevard Carnot.
Turn left on avenue de la Cathédrale, go up it then rue des Tables to the stairs of the Cathedral. Turn right onto rue Séguret. After Place du Greffe, go down Rue Roche Taillade. At the bottom of the stairs, continue right on rue Saulnerie then turn into the second street on the right, rue Raphaël.
Go down left onto rue du Consulat. Exit rue Pannessac and follow it to the left. Place du Plot, turn right and take the street on the right Saint-Jacques. Turn left on rue Felix Boudignon for 50 m then notice on the left a passage under a building.
Take it to Place de l'Isle Chabran. Come out at the end of it via a narrow alley. Join rue Saint Gilles and follow it to the right. At the boulevard, cross at the pedestrian crossing to reach Place du Breuil. Cross it then enter the Henri Vinay garden. Go to the Crozatier Museum then turn left and come out at the end of the avenue du Général de Gaulle. Turn right (pedestrian crossing) to reach then cross Place Michelet. Continue straight on rue Burel.
Take on the left not rue des Tanneries but the second street on the left which leads to a passage under the road. Then go straight to the bridge above Dolaizon. Take it then turn left once in front of the Carmes church then again at the traffic lights.
Cross at the pedestrian crossings to reach Place Cadelade. Pass to the right of the fountain to take Rue Traversière Cadelade. Turn right and immediately left. Turn right onto rue Sous-Sainte-Claire. At the junction, first go down to the right then turn left onto Rue Droite. Reach the foot of a large fresco on Puy-en-Velay, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jean.
Go up left on rue Sainte-Claire to Place du Bac then rue Sous Sainte Marie and after the stairs, cross the pedestrian crossing and go up left. In front of the Youth Hostel, follow the stairs on the right.
Turn immediately right onto the street behind the old museum. Rue Anne-Marie Martel, go up left. Go down to the left on rue Général Mouton Duvernet and arrive after a few steps at Place Saint-Pierre de la Tour.
Go down the stairs. At the junction, go left to find stairs. At the foot of these continue on rue des sept then follow rue Saint François Régis on the right. Continue along rue du Collège and arrive at place du Clauzel.