Les nocturnes de Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe

Rocher et Chapelle Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe Rue du Rocher 43000 Aiguilhe
Visit the Chapelle Saint-Michel at nightfall to immerse yourself in this unusual site in another, more intimate, almost special atmosphere...
For 1h30 let yourself be surprised by the magic of the place, in the company of a guide, we invite you to take another look at the Rock and its history.
Online booking:

Admission fees

Further information) :
PassCards and tickets combined with “Terre de Géants 2” are not accepted during night visits.

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On the spot…

Access map


Rocher et Chapelle Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe
Rue du Rocher
43000 Aiguilhe
How do I get there?

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