Friday 28 February

Cie Le Chardonneret: Girandoles

Friday 28 February
Théâtre du Mayapo 19, rue du Bessat 43000 Le Puy-en-Velay
As part of the Au fil de la Marionnette festival, the Cie Le Chardonneret presents "Girandoles", a light and sound show, shadow and paper puppets for children from 4 months to 7 years old.
This visual, musical and poetic show is aimed at toddlers and all the older ones. A garden of suspended lights: the girandoles. They each have their own story, their own mystery, and their own sound. The stage space becomes a giant musical instrument and a magical playground. Let's dance the air currents, let's be lighthouses in the wind. Let's be the bee and the snake! The sunrise over the singing fisherman.


Opening hours on February 28, 2025

At 10:30 a.m. and 14:30 p.m.
duration: 25 minutes

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Full price
8 €Not disclosed
Reduced price

5 €Not disclosed

Access map


Théâtre du Mayapo
19, rue du Bessat
43000 Le Puy-en-Velay
How do I get there?

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